“For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David.”
I Kings 11:4 NKJV
The chapters prior to this one spoke in depth about how God had blessed King Solomon an dhow incredible his kingdom was. People came from around the world to hear his wisdom and to see how he ruled. He had been super blessed by God, yet he did not fully obey the LORD. He married wives of other nations, which was forbidden from the LORD. They turned his heart to other gods and he was not loyal to God. This was his downfall.
Sometimes when God blesses us, there is a feeling that we are indestructible and that we have God’s blessing to do whatever we want. Our heart usually stays on the LORD when we are desperate for Him, but as we are blessed, we tend to think we can do what we want and our dependence on the LORD diminishes. What God wants is a loyal heart. In good times, we must remain loyal to the LORD who brought us there and not forget Him and His ways.
Father, let my heart be loyal to You alone. I see many Christian singers and people of influence who You blessed, but are walking away from You and not remaining loyal to the God who blessed them. I would rather struggle with Your blessing than succeed without it. I want a loyal heart in times of desperation and in times of blessing.