Sunday, June 3, 2018

Repentance and Humility


I Kings 21:29  "'Do you see how Ahab has humbled himself before me?  Because he has done this, I will not do what I promised during his lifetime.  It will happen to his sons; I will destroy his dynasty'".


Just prior to this verse, the Bible records Ahab as the worst king ever to rule because he was influenced by Jezebel.  God told him, through a prophet, that him and his family would die in the streets and their bodies would be eaten by dogs or vultures.  Ahab tore his clothing, put on burlap, and fasted in mourning, then the Lord said he would not do what he was going to do because Ahab humbled himself in repentance.


Repentance is a powerful thing.  Here God said He was going to do something, but changed his mind because an evil person decided to repent and humble himself before the Lord.  As God's people, we must humble ourselves before Him when we mess up.  We must own our messups and ask God to forgive us, then He will step in and bless our lives.


Father, forgive me for losing my patience lately and getting upset about things.  I want to walk in humility before You and to do what You want at all times.  Help me to walk stronger in You each day and to do Your will.  I am yours.

Your Son,

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