Wednesday, June 6, 2018

God's Timing


II Kings 8:5 "And Gehazi was telling the king about the time Elisha had brought a boy back to life.  At that very moment, the mother of the boy walked in to make her appeal to the king about her house and land.  'Look, my Lord the king!' Gehazi exclaimed.  'Here is the woman now, and this is her son - the very one Elisha brought back to life!'"


The king wanted Gehazi to tell him stories about being with Elisha and the things he had seen.  Gehazi just told the story of the woman whose son was raised from the dead when the same woman happened to walk in and ask for her land and house back.  The king gave it to her and she had no issues.  She arrived at just the right time to step into her blessing!


When we walk with God, He has an incredible way of putting us in exactly the right place at exactly the right time.  He knows every detail of everything going on in our lives and He knows exactly who we need favor with and when.  God is able to change your entire world in a moment of time.  He can have you in just the right place at just the right time for a miracle to happen.


God, thank you for always having me in the right place at the right time. You are amazing!  Give me more stories to tell about your faithfulness each day and I will tell them.  Help me to walk with You and be the man of God You want me to be.  I'm looking for divine set ups where I am at the right place at the right time for a miracle.


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