Friday, August 16, 2024

Undivided Heart


Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart,
 that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11


The Psalmist here asks God to show him God's way so he could rely on God's faithfulness. He then asked for an undivided heart so he could fear God's name. The word for integrity comes from the word integer, which is a number that does not include any fractions. It is a whole number. There is no division in it. An undivided heart brings about integrity. 


I want to live an undivided life. I want to wholly follow the Lord in every area. I want to be ALL IN with God and not partial obedience. This comes through sanctification, separation, and continually seeking the Lord. Abiding in Christ also brings about an undivided heart. I long to abide in Him and live as He lived on this earth, that I may fear His name. 


Father, give me an undivided heart. I want to walk with integrity and righteousness. Help me to truly surrender all to You and to live an undivided life, completely sold out to You and Your will and purposes in the earth. Teach me to abide in Christ at all times an to do His will.

Yours Forever,

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