Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Thinking and Praying Generationally


“So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭78‬:‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬


I often say that Christianity is only on generation from extinction. The job of every believer is to help the next generation set their hope anew on God. We can never forget His glorious miracles and we must teach the next generation to obey His commands. We have a great responsibility. We must see a move of God in each generation so each generation will know Him and see His goodness and His power. 


We need to keep verses like this in our mind as we plan church events, calendars, etc. We must keep children’s and youth ministries as a priority in the Kingdom. They must have an encounter with God or we will never generationally advance the Kingdom of God. We must provide settings for children and youth to hear about the miracles of God and to be taught His ways. We must invest in the next generation. They are crucial for the future of the church.


Father, help me to think generationally as a pastor and leader. Help me to pray generational prayers. Show me how to effectively communicate with the next generation the incredible things You have done in my life. I have watched You perform too many miracles to enumerate. Help me to share them with people younger than me so they will know how real You are. Let them then pursue You and have testimonies to tell their children and their children’s children.

Yours Forever,


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