Thursday, August 29, 2024

Delightful Humility


“For the Lord delights in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭149‬:‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬


The Psalmist lets us know here that God delights in us and that He crowns the humble with victory. God not only likes us, He delights in us. As a grandparent, I delight in my grandson. I delight in seeing him walk and talk. I delight in just watching him play. He not only delights in us, but enables the humble to come out on top. 


Our part in this process is to walk in humility and live a life that brings even more delight to our Lord. Humility attracts God’s favor and blessing. Humility is something God always responds to. Therefore, we cna never walk in pride or arrogance. Our best position is one of humility and understanding that we are nothing without God. It is also helpful in life to know You are delightful in the Lord’s eyes. Rather than seeing myself as a mess up that God puts up with. I need to see myself as someone He delights in.


Father, thank You for delighting in me. Thank You for confirming to me that You enjoy being with me and watching over me. Help me to always walk in humility before You, knowing that without You my life is nothing. Your are the source of every good thing in my life. You are my reason for being. Work in Pakistan today and use the teachings we sent over for Your glory and the healing of many. 



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