Friday, August 23, 2024

My Life is My Offering


“What can I offer the Lord for all he has done for me?” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭116‬:‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬


The Psalmist asks a great question here. He simply asks what he can offer the Lord because of all the Lord has done for him. This positions him in a place of gratitude and humility, both characteristics God honors deeply. He realizes that God has done things for him, then he looks for what he can offer the Lord. He wants to give the Lord something valuable to show his appreciation for all the Lord has done in his life.


Sometimes we have to take time to look back at our lives and see where the Lord has brought us from and where He has taken us to. He has done so much for me personally! He has blessed my life over and over again. He has opened doors for me that astound me. He has trusted me with assignments I feel are above my head. My only response is to offer what I have. My response to the Lord being so good to me is to offer my life and my obedience to Him. My offering is my life.


Father, You have been so good to me. Therefore, I offer my life to You. Use it for Your purposes. Show me Your heart and desire for my life and I will do my best to follow it completely. Open doors and I will walk through them. My life is Yours. Use the remainder of my days for Your glory and the extension of Your kingdom.



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