Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Testing and Fulfillment


“Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭105‬:‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬


This verse helps us to understand that there are seasons of life that are testing seasons and there are seasons of fulfilling our dreams and desires. Joseph’s character was tested for about 17 years before he saw the fulfillment of the dreams he had been given. God’s process usually spends a lot of time dealing with our character before He launches us into His destiny for our lives.


During the testing season, Joseph was found faithful in whatever bad situation he ended up in. He walked with God and served Him well when he was a slave and when he was in prison. This prepared him to become the second most powerful person in the world at the time. We can’t despise the season of testing. We must remain faithful during the testing time, then we will walk in the fulfillment season. We usually want the fulfillment season without the testing season, but God doesn’t operate that way.


Lord, teach me to live in each season of my life according to Your ways. Help me to remain faithful when things don’t seem to be happening on my agenda or when I want them to. Help me to trust You and mot my own timing for the things You have shown me. Let me have a faithful and obedient heart in all things.

Yours Forever,


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