Thursday, August 15, 2024

Turn Us O God


Psalm 80:19 "Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved."


This phrase is repeated several times in this Psalm. The Psalmist knew that if Israel would be turned again to God and His face shined on them, they would all be saved. God is our salvation and strength. When God shines His face on you, everything changes. Our part is to turn to Him completely, He then will rescue us from our sins and mistakes.


God always desires His children to turn to Him completely. He shines His face and rescues those who run to Him and turn to Him. Our job is to turn from our ways and seek Him. Then we will be saved. Repentance always precedes revival. It all starts with us seeing how far we are from God and turning completely to Him.


Father, show me the areas I need to surrender to You. Help me to lead the way in turning completely to You. Shine Your face on our nations once again. Rescue us from all that is wrong and restore righteousness. I look to You. You are my help and my hope. You are my source. You are everything to me. Save our nation. 



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