Thursday, August 22, 2024

My Helper and Shield


“All you who fear the Lord, trust the Lord! He is your helper and your shield.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭115‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬


The prior verses have the same emphasis, but instead of “all you who fear the Lord”, they say all the priests and all of Israel should trust the Lord and then finish with the exact same line, “He is your helper and your shield.” The Psalmist is telling God’s people that God is trustworthy. He is our helper and our shield. 


We need to learn to trust the Lord. Trusting Him means relying on Him instead of taking things into our own hands. When I think of a helper, I think of someone who stands beside you, helping you do what you are meant to do. I picture someone who hands you what you need to do the work. When I think of a shield, I think of battle. He not only helps us, but protects us from the attacks of the enemy. When we trust Him, we have a helper and a shield from our attackers. 


Lord, so many mornings I have come to this place of learning to trust You more and more. Teach me to lean on You and not my own understanding. I offer You my life and ask You to help me do Your will and shield me from every enemy. Guide my steps and let me fulfill everything You have set for me. Teach me to trust You. You are my everything.

Your Son,


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