Wednesday, June 10, 2020

God’s Confirmation


“So Isaiah the prophet cried out to the LORD, and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down on the sundial of Ahaz.”
‭‭II Kings‬ ‭20:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


King Hezekiah appeared to be dying when God gave him another 15 years of life.  As a confirmation that God was doing this, he asked that the sundial be moved ten degrees backward.  He felt that forward would be an easy thing for God, but backward would be impossible.  There, in front of his eyes, God moved the sundial ten degrees backward.  Either God moved the sun in the heavens, the earth, or He bent the rays of light, but He definitely confirmed miraculously that Hezekiah’s life was extended.


God is all-powerful!  If He can make the sundial go backward ten degrees, there is nothing impossible for Him.  I need to realize more and more His capacity and walk confidently that nothing is impossible for Him.  God is greater than anything the enemy can throw in my way.  I want to walk in greater faith and confidence.


Father, my life is Yours.  Lead me, guide me, show me the way I should go each and every day.  Let my life bring Your glory.  Help me to realize that I serve the God who is truly all-powerful and let me understand that you would literally move heaven and earth on my behalf.  Set the captive free through my life today and let deliverance come.


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