Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A New Thing


“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Nothing is impossible for God.  He can do whatever He wants to do.  He is able to make deserts blossom and dry wastelands to run with rivers.  He says here that He is about to do something new.  God does not always function the same way.  He loves to do new things and surprise people.


God doesn’t have to do thing like He did them in the past.  He can always do a new thing.  he is omnipotent and can do as He pleases.  He is not bound to do things the way He has done them in the past.  I believe in the last days, God will do some new things.  I believe He will pour out His Spirit as we have never seen before.  I want to be open when God does a new thing.  I want to be sensitive to His Spirit when He is doing it and to work with Him.


Father, let my spirit be in tune with Your Spirit.  Help me to hear Your voice and move with You at all times.  When You do a new thing, let me be open and receive it with joy.  Help me not to put You in a box, but to flow with You.  Let me be a tree that moves with the wind of Your Spirit.  Show me when You are doing new things and let me walk with You.


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