Wednesday, September 14, 2022

You Can’t Take it With You


“We didn't bring anything into this world, and we won't take anything with us when we leave.” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6:7‬ ‭CEV‬‬


Paul tells his spiritual son Timothy here that life isn’t found in what we can accumulate here on earth, but in what we do for eternity.  He tells him that we didn’t bring anything into this world and we won’t take anything with us when we leave.


We came into the world with nothing and we will leave with nothing. Whatever we accumulate here on earth will be given to someone else when our race is over. Jesus told us not to lay up treasures on earth, but in heaven, where they will never be corrupted. Living for eternity causes us to invest in eternity. We must live kingdom minded lives. Whatever we do on this earth will rot away one day, only what we do for Christ will last.


Father, let me invest in what brings eternal rewards and not be so concerned with having things on this earth. Help me to live as unto You, and not for my own glory. Teach me to invest into what will last and truly make a difference in people’s lives.

Yours Forever,


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