Thursday, September 29, 2022

When God Fights Your Battles


“The Lord sent an angel to the camp of the Assyrians, and he killed 185,000 of them all in one night. The next morning, the camp was full of dead bodies.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭37:36‬ ‭CEV‬‬


King Hezekiah was being threatened by the Assyrians. They were tormenting him and telling him not to trust in God because other nations had trusted their gods, but were destroyed by the Assyrians. In one night, God killed 185,000 Assyrians. He made a loud statement to His people that He could be trusted to fight their battles.


When God fights our battles, He does a much better job than we can. When our faith and trust is in Him, and we walk in obedience to Him, enemies must flee. When God fights on our behalf, miracles take place and significant change happens. It is much easier to trust God than to fight, but allowing Him to fight our battles guarantees victory. He has never lost a battle.


Lord God Almighty, You are powerful and You are good. Help me to yield myself completely to You at all times. Fight my battles, bless my family, ministry and region. Work miracles in my life and let me see the day of Your incredible favor. Fight my battles, be my provider, and help me to follow You well.

Yours Forever,


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