Monday, September 20, 2021

Trust and Wait


 “I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding his face from the descendants of Jacob. I will put my trust in him.”  ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭8:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Isaiah is telling God’s people that deliverance is coming, but it may take a while.  He tells them he is going to wait for the Lord.  He goes on to describe the Lord as hiding His face from Jacob.  He finishes by saying he will put his trust in God.  He tells them to wait and put their trust in the God who is hiding from them. Not an easy task.


Sometimes it feels like the Lord is hiding His face from us and we are not seeing what we believe He has spoken to us.  Our stance needs to be like Isaiah, we will wait on God instead of taking things into our own hands.  We should trust God instead of trusting only ourselves.  It is hard to trust and wait on a God who is hiding Himself presently.  It is easier to just take things into our own hands.  This is where faith comes into the picture.  We must trust and wait, even when it seems nothing is happening.


Father, teach me to trust and wait, even when it seems You have hidden Yourself from me.  Help me to not to take things into my own hands, but to truly wait on the Lord.  You have been good to me all of my life and I know You will always come through on my behalf.  Continue to work with me on this area of trusting You over my own thoughts and ways.

Yours Forever,


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