Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Trusting God Over Things


 “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”  ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭20:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬


The Psalmist writes here that some leaders trust in chariots and horses.  In other words, some trust in their own defenses and their own ability to wage war.  He continues and says, “but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”  Rather than depending on his vast wealth and resources, David chose to trust in the Lord and to allow the Lord to fight his battles.  He had a great army, but trusted God above his army.


David had horses, chariots, a vast army, massive wealth, etc. but his trust was not in those things.  It was the Lord that delivered him from the bear and the lion.  It was the Lord who handed Goliath over to him when he was young.  David learned early to trust the Lord.  He never forgot where he came from and his trust never turned to himself and his accomplishments.  He trusted God and we must learn to do the same. I need to not rely on what I know, but on the one who knows everything.  I need to trust God over what knowledge I may have accumulated.


Father, teach me to trust You more and more.  Help me not to lean on my own education, resources, or people, but to lean on You at all times.  Help me to live how You want me to live.  I want to extend Your kingdom into all the earth and I know I can’t do that unless You do it.  I need You God more than ever in my life.  Help me to trust You at higher and higher levels.

Your Son,


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