Thursday, August 26, 2021

His Love Endures forever


“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.”  Psalms‬ ‭136:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Psalm 136 is unique.  It is a gathering of statements of things the Lord has done.  Following each statement are the words, “His love endures forever.”  Those words are recorded in this one Psalm 26 times.  This verse simply tells us to give thank to the Lord because He is good and that His love endures forever.  God wanted us to know that His love endures forever and He caused the Psalmist to repeat it so we would get it.


God is good!  No matter what I happen to be going through at any given time, God is still good.  His goodness doesn’t depart when things start going wrong in my life.  We need to learn to be confident in the goodness of God.  We also need to be confident in the love of God.  His love endures forever!  We can’t get away from it.  We can’t mess up too bad for Him to no longer love us.  God is love!  It is His nature.  We can be confident in His love and know, no matter what is going on in our lives, He still love us.


Father, help me to walk in confidence of Your love for me each and every day.  Your love is amazing!  Thank You for loving me, no matter what goes on around me.  Thank You for caring about me and whatever situation I happen to be in at the time.  Thanks for the reminder this morning that You are good and Your love endures forever.



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