Friday, August 20, 2021

Flames of Fire


“He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.”  ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭104:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬


This simple passage reminds me of how God wants His ministers to be.  It says that He makes His “messengers” or “angels” wind and He makes His servants flames of fire.  In Revelation we are told to be hot or cold because the lukewarm God will spit out of His mouth.  God used fire on the day of Pentecost to start the church.  He used fire from heaven several times in the OT, including Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal.


God wants us to be red-hot, fiery, believers who passionately serve Him.  As for me, I don’t want to live a lifeless, religious, half-hearted experience with God.  I want to spend my life burning with god’s fire and serving Him passionately.  I never want to give God my second best.  It also speaks to me of maintaining the fire in my life.  Fire is maintained by putting new wood on it and taking away the ashes of yesterday’s fire.  I need to stay fresh in my walk with God daily.  I need to put fire on the altar of my life daily.  I don’t want to live remembering the fire of yesterday, but walking today as a firebrand in the hands of an Almighty God. 


Father, I’m reminded this morning of an old song written by William Booth in 1894, “Send the fire today”.  These lyrics are my heart to You today: 

  1. Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
    Thy blood-bought gift today we claim,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
    Look down and see this waiting host,
    Give us the promised Holy Ghost;
    We want another Pentecost,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
  2. God of Elijah, hear our cry:
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
    To make us fit to live or die,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
    To burn up every trace of sin,
    To bring the light and glory in,
    The revolution now begin,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
  3. ’Tis fire we want, for fire we plead,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
    The fire will meet our every need,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
    For strength to ever do the right,
    For grace to conquer in the fight,
    For pow’r to walk the world in white,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
  4. To make our weak hearts strong and brave,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
    To live a dying world to save,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
    Oh, see us on Thy altar lay
    Our lives, our all, this very day;
    To crown the off’ring now we pray,
    Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
  5. That’s my prayer today!
  6. Yours,
  7. Jeff