Friday, July 9, 2021

Pray and Post


“But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.”  ‭‭Nehemiah‬ ‭4:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬


As Nehemiah started rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, his enemies began to come against him.  They determined to stop the wall from being constructed in any way necessary.  Nehemiah’s response to the attack of the enemy was to pray and post.  He prayed to God and posted a guard.  


Sometimes the answer to our problems requires both prayer and action.  When we are doing God’s work, there are times we will come under attack from the enemy of our souls.  The way we confront this is to keep on doing what God has said, but to increase our prayer time and also post a guard to see how the enemy is attacking.  There are times when we must be vigilant in our prayers, but also use wisdom concerning our enemy and keep our eye on him.  The answer is to pray and post a guard.  Cheryl and I use this when I travel for kingdom business.  There are times she will have a check in her heart about a trip I’m scheduled to go on.  We then pray, and I also let her know that I will walk with caution while I go.


Father, You are incredible and I appreciate all You do in my life.  Let me always be a man of prayer and a man of God.  teach me also to post a guard when necessary to see what the enemy is up to and how he is attacking.  Let my life be used for Your glory, but don’t let me make stupid mistakes.  Teach me to pray and to post when necessary.

Your Son,


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