Thursday, July 25, 2024

Wisdom and Understanding


“And this is what he says to all humanity: ‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.’”” ‭‭Job‬ ‭28‬:‭28‬ ‭NLT‬‬


According to Job, true wisdom is found in the fear of the Lord and real understanding is found in forsaking evil. Wisdom and understanding are wonderful and necessary in our lives. Without them, life can seem helpless and hopeless with no direction. Both are found in the Lord. He is the source of wisdom and understanding. Following Him is crucial to our growth in wisdom and understanding. It starts with the fear of the Lord and forsaking evil in every place.


If we want to grow in wisdom, we must first fear the Lord. God is incredible and we are nothing. We should fear, reverence, and honor Him at all times. We must seek to do His will and follow His path. In doing this, we demonstrate the fear of the Lord. Forsaking evil is a given. When we come to Christ we should forsake evil. We must forsake leaning on our own understanding and look to the Lord. We must follow God with a clean and pure heart. 


Lord God, help me to follow You well. You are the source of wisdom and understanding and I want to walk in both. Teach me to forsake evil and to fear the Lord. Let my life be one of wisdom and understanding. Help me so I can help others.

Yours Forever,


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