Friday, July 12, 2024

Outstanding Men


“There were 468 descendants of Perez who lived in Jerusalem—all outstanding men.” ‭‭Nehemiah‬ ‭11‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬


When the wall was reconstructed and people were coming back into Jerusalem and Judah, Nehemiah did a listing of everyone in Judah at the time. They were listed by family name. Perez is mentioned here as having 468 descendants who were all outstanding men. We don’t know what was outstanding about them, but we know that they, in some way, stood out from the crowd. His descendants were superior to other men. They must have been excellent in every way to gain this reputation.


Recently, having done a dissertation on spiritual fathering, I have had a strong desire to be a father to men. I long to see men strong and who stand out of the crowd as top notch men. I want to raise up a group of men who are excellent in every way, whose wives and families respect them because they are the real deal. I dream of a men’s ministry where our men are outstanding and respected in every way.


Lord God Almighty, as I more and more step into the role of a spiritual father, I ask You to give me  spiritual descendants like Perez. Let my legacy be that I raised up men who were strong in every way. Men who were disciplined and strong. Men who were worthy of respect and honor. Men who knew God and walked intimately with Him. Men of courage and who walk in the power of God. Men whose lives were above reproach.

Yours Lord,


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