Saturday, July 27, 2024



““Look, God is all-powerful. Who is a teacher like him?” ‭‭Job‬ ‭36‬:‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬


All-powerful is an awesome description of God. We can use the word “omnipotent” as well. God is truly all-powerful. There is nothing too difficult for Him. There is no enemy that can defeat Him. There is no problem He cannot solve. We are blessed to serve the God who is not just powerful, but all-powerful.


Our application concerning God being all-powerful, is simple, yet profound. We must simply realize that He is who the Word says He is. We must see God as all-powerful. When we do, we will quickly realize that if He is all-powerful, then what He cannot do does not exist. All-powerful means that no problem i ever have is beyond His reach and His ability to fix. When I state that God is all-powerful, then I must follow that up with a response of submission to Him and a desire to serve Him completely.


Father God, You are all-powerful. There is nothing too difficult for You. Help me to act like I have an all-powerful Heavenly Father. Help me to respond when things go wrong like I have an all-powerful father. Teach me to walk with You in awe of who You are and what You are capable of. Teach me to have faith that I can trust You, no matter what situation I face. You are God and You are good.



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