Monday, July 22, 2024

My Witness and Advocate


“Even now my witness is in heaven. My advocate is there on high.” ‭‭Job‬ ‭16‬:‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Job realized something his friends didn’t. He realized that his witness and his advocate were in heaven. He didn’t need to defend himself or what he was doing because he knew he had a witness who knew his heart and his deeds. He knew he had an advocate who would defend his innocence on trials before God. 


Many times we fight to defend ourselves and our actions to people, explaining how and why we are right. Like Job, we must realize that we have a witness and and advocate in heaven. God knows every detail of our lives and will defend our case. We don’t need to fight with people to show them when we are right, God knows and He will defend us a the appropriate time. Our job is to trust Him and walk with Him. He will defend our case.


Lord, You know every detail of my life. You know when I lie down and when I rise. You know every good deed and every bad deed I have ever done. You are a witness to every detail of my life. I can explain why I did certain actions to others, but You know every truth. You are my defender as well. Defend my case and work on my behalf. I trust You. Help me not to try to defend myself, but to trust You to take care of my in every situation. I am Yours.

Your Son,


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