Monday, August 8, 2022

I Will Praise You Again


“Why am I discouraged? Why am I restless? I trust you, Lord! And I will praise you again because you help me, and you are my God.”  ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭43:5‬ ‭CEV‬‬


The Psalmist asks a couple of questions to himself. “Why am I discouraged?” And “Why am I restless?” In this passage he is admitting his feelings without blaming God or anyone else. He was trying to figure out for himself why he was feeling the way he was feeling. He comes against what he is feeling by saying that he would praise God again because He helps and because He was the Psalmist’s God.


Sometimes we go through times when we feel discouraged and restless. There are times when we don’t see God working as we would like to see Him work. Things may not be moving forward as fast as we would have liked or thought they would and we get frustrated. During these times, we must learn to praise God anyway and know that He is still God, still loves us, and is still all-powerful. 


Father, I have been really discouraged lately and restless. I don’t understand why things happen as they do and why You haven’t provided in the ways I thought You would. Sometimes I feel like a complete failure and like nothing I have done makes a real difference. No matter what I feel, You are still God and You are worthy of my praise. I will praise You because You are my God.

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