Friday, July 22, 2022

Witness and Protector


“Even now, God in heaven is both my witness and my protector.” ‭‭Job‬ ‭16:19‬ ‭CEV‬‬


Job is defending himself here by telling his friends he is being punished for something he didn’t do. At this point he had lost everything and his friends were accusing him of sinning against God and of speaking negatively of God. His response was that God in heaven was his witness and protector. Even when he felt like he was being punished unjustly by God, he still saw God as his witness and protector.


God know all and is a witness to everything we do in our lives. Nothing escapes His knowledge. We can’t pull anything over on God. He knows the deep recesses of our hearts and every detail of our lives. As Job, we must realize God is both our witness and our protector. We must live knowing God knows every detail, yet He is still our protector. God loves us and protects us, even though He knows every thought we have.


Lord God Almighty, You are righteous and holy. You are amazing and powerful. You are all-knowing and all-powerful, yet You choose to love us. You are my protector, even when you know my messed up thoughts. You love me, even though You know every time I question You like Job did. You are incredible and I appreciate You more as I ponder this verse.



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