Sunday, July 24, 2022

Trials and Tests


“But he knows what I am doing, and when he tests me, I will be pure as gold. *” ‭‭Job‬ ‭23:10‬ ‭CEV‬‬


Job realized that he was being tested by God. He knew he was innocent, but that something was up with the Lord. In this passage he tells his friends that God knows exactly what he was doing, how he was acting, and what he was saying, and was willing to stand before God because he knew when he was tried by God he would come out as pure gold.


Gold is purified by turning up the heat around it. Sometimes in life we will be tested. Our goal should be that when we are tested, we come out of that season as pure as refined gold. Rather than trying so desperately to get out of some bad situations, maybe we should be asking God to use them to try us and purify us. The bottom line is, we can never give up in the middle of trials, but allow ourselves to be purified through them.


Father God, help me to realize that we will go through some trying times when our faith will be tested and it may seem like You are not taking care of us. There will be times when we will walk through trials of our faith. Help me to come out as pure gold. When tested, let my faith be pure. Help me to maintain my walk with You throughout every storm and trial of life.

Your Son,


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