Monday, January 28, 2019

Multiplication in Hard Times


“But the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more the Israelites multiplied and spread, and the more alarmed the Egyptians became.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God had a covenant with His people Israel.  He had made a promise, and when God makes a promise, it is going to come to pass!  After many years, the Israelites began to grow strong and multiply in the land of Egypt.  The Egyptians began to see them as a threat and decided they must fully subdue them and make them slaves.  Even when they were trying to oppress them, God’s people multiplied and spread.


When God blesses a people, even when they are being persecuted, they will grow and become stronger.  As a believer, we have so many promises from God.  We must believe them, even when things are not going the way we want them to.  We must trust that what God promises, will come to pass.  We must trust that He can multiply our lives, even in troubled times.  He is faithful!


Lord, Thank You for Your faithfulness!  Sometimes when things get tough and it doesn’t seem like they are going my way, help me to see that You are still a Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and the Light in the Darkness.  You make a way for Your people and bless us, even in the land of our slavery.

You Are Amazing,

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