Thursday, January 24, 2019

Fullness of Faith


Matthew 21:22 "Everything you pray for with the fullness of faith you will receive." (TPT)


Jesus had just cursed a fig tree and it immediately withered.  His disciples were amazed and asked him how he did that.  In response He talked about having no doubt and speaking out of the fullness of faith, then He came with these words, "Everything you pray for with the fullness of faith you will receive."


Sometimes Jesus said some things that we can't really comprehend, but He always spoke truth.  If Jesus said it... I believe it!  I believe there is definite link between our faith and getting prayers answered.  I want to walk in what the Passion Translation calls, "the fullness of faith".  I want to see more prayers answered.  I am convinced there is nothing impossible for God and have seen Him do many amazing things in my life, but I want to go to a deeper level of faith.


Father, increase my faith.  Show me how to grow more and more in faith.  I believe the words of Jesus and want to see them in action in my life.  I want to live a life of faith and I desire to see Your Kingdom grow more and more.  Help me to encourage the faith of others as well.

Your Son,

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