Thursday, January 31, 2019

There was Light


“So Moses lifted his hand to the sky, and a deep darkness covered the entire land of Egypt for three days. During all that time the people could not see each other, and no one moved. But there was light as usual where the people of Israel lived.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭10:22-23‬ ‭NLT‬‬


This verse speaks about one of the final plagues God brought on Egypt.  he brought deep darkness on the land of Egypt for three days, yet there was light as usual where the people fo Israel lived.  The people of Israel were living within the borders of Egypt, yet when Egypt was being judged, God made sure His people were spared from what the Egyptians were getting.


God always has a way of escape for His people when He is judging others.  Noah escaped God’s wrath, Israel escaped His wrath on Egypt, and the list goes on.  God is faithful to take care of His own people, even when He is judging those around us.  If He can make it light for the people fo Israel when all Egypt was dark, God has the ability to protect his people.  He is y protector and He does an amazing job at it.


Lord God Almighty, You are faithful and trustworthy.  Help me to trust You more and more.  Help me to know deep in my heart that You don’t allow Your wrath to touch those who are Yours.  You are truly my protector and the lifter of my head.


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

God’s Pupose


“But I have spared you for a purpose—to show you my power and to spread my fame throughout the earth.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭9:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God was speaking here to Pharaoh in Egypt.  He had demonstrated His power over and over again through incredible plagues among the Egyptian people.  The Lord told Pharaoh that He had spared Pharaoh for a purpose - “to show you my power and to spread my fame throughout the earth”.  God’s purpose is the spreading of his fame throughout the earth.


When we make our lives about spreading God’s fame throughout the earth, we will always be on the side of God’s blessing.  He always blesses those whose lives are consumed by spreading His fame in all the earth.  I have been spared for a purpose - to spread His fame and demonstrate His power.  I must live my life for that purpose.  When I do, I know I am doing the will of God.


Father, let my life bring you fame in all the earth.  You are incredible and worthy of my very best.  Help me to lift up Your name to the ends of the earth.  I want the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to fill the earth like waters cover the sea.  Give me the resources and I will do everything I can to make your name famous in all the earth.

Your Son,

Monday, January 28, 2019

Multiplication in Hard Times


“But the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more the Israelites multiplied and spread, and the more alarmed the Egyptians became.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God had a covenant with His people Israel.  He had made a promise, and when God makes a promise, it is going to come to pass!  After many years, the Israelites began to grow strong and multiply in the land of Egypt.  The Egyptians began to see them as a threat and decided they must fully subdue them and make them slaves.  Even when they were trying to oppress them, God’s people multiplied and spread.


When God blesses a people, even when they are being persecuted, they will grow and become stronger.  As a believer, we have so many promises from God.  We must believe them, even when things are not going the way we want them to.  We must trust that what God promises, will come to pass.  We must trust that He can multiply our lives, even in troubled times.  He is faithful!


Lord, Thank You for Your faithfulness!  Sometimes when things get tough and it doesn’t seem like they are going my way, help me to see that You are still a Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and the Light in the Darkness.  You make a way for Your people and bless us, even in the land of our slavery.

You Are Amazing,

Saturday, January 26, 2019



“But all of this fulfills the prophecies of the Scriptures.” At that point all of his disciples ran away and abandoned him.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:56‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Jesus had just walked through the most difficult time of His life in the Garden of Gethsemane.  We had poured out His heart to the Father until He was sweating blood.  Coming out of that incredibly difficult time, one of his disciples betrayed Him and gave him into the hands of soldiers to be arrested and eventually killed.  Right at the worst time in the life of Christ, ALL of His disciples ran away from Him and abandoned Him.


When we say things like, “I want to live like Jesus did,” we often don’t understand what we are saying.  Jesus was abandoned by His own disciples at the most trying time of His life.  Christ was abandoned by his closest friends out of His love for us.  He could have changed the situation, but He chose to go through with God’s plan.  Sometimes, people abandoning us is actually in the plan of God.  We must learn to realize that and not get offended when they do.  Jesus came back to His disciples and demonstrated love to them, even after they had abandoned Him.  We need to do the same.


Father, when I feel like this I trusted most have walked out on me, help me to realize it is all part of Your plan.  My walk with You is the most important thing in my life.  Help me to understand that people will hurt me and abandon me, but You never will.  Help me to love after abandonment like You did.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Prepared and Ready


“So always be ready, alert, and prepared, because at an hour when you’re not expecting him, the Son of Man will come.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:44‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Jesus was talking to His disciples about His second coming.  He told them to “always be ready, alert, and prepared” because He would come at a time they didn’t expect it.  Read, alert, and prepared is how we are suppose to be living our lives.  He could come at any moment and Jesus wanted His people to be looking for His appearing at any time..  Time has passed and we don’t live in that Ernest expectation any more.


During this season of prayer and fasting, my desire has been to clearly and accurately hear the voice of the Lord and to respond with an unswerving “yes Lord”.  I want to be ready for whatever God wants to do in the earth.  I want to live every moment in step with the Spirit, that is where real life comes from.  I need to be more alert to him and less tuned in to other things.


Father, I want to be ready, alert and prepared when Jesus comes again.  Heighten my alert systems in the Spirit so I can be ready to receive any alerts that You send.  Help me to live ready and prepared.  I want to stay in step with You.  I don’t want to just be ready, but walking with You, fulfilling Your will in the earth when Christ comes again.

Yours Forever,

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Fullness of Faith


Matthew 21:22 "Everything you pray for with the fullness of faith you will receive." (TPT)


Jesus had just cursed a fig tree and it immediately withered.  His disciples were amazed and asked him how he did that.  In response He talked about having no doubt and speaking out of the fullness of faith, then He came with these words, "Everything you pray for with the fullness of faith you will receive."


Sometimes Jesus said some things that we can't really comprehend, but He always spoke truth.  If Jesus said it... I believe it!  I believe there is definite link between our faith and getting prayers answered.  I want to walk in what the Passion Translation calls, "the fullness of faith".  I want to see more prayers answered.  I am convinced there is nothing impossible for God and have seen Him do many amazing things in my life, but I want to go to a deeper level of faith.


Father, increase my faith.  Show me how to grow more and more in faith.  I believe the words of Jesus and want to see them in action in my life.  I want to live a life of faith and I desire to see Your Kingdom grow more and more.  Help me to encourage the faith of others as well.

Your Son,

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Forgiveness is Crucial


"In this same way, my heavenly Father will deal with any of you if you do not release forgiveness from your heart toward your fellow believer."  Matthew 18:35


Jesus had just told a parable about a man who owed a terrible debt to a king and was released when he begged for forgiveness.  The same man had someone who owed him a comparatively tiny amount.  He put the man who owed him into prison until he could pay the debt.  Jesus said when the king found out he would turn him over to the prison to be tortured until he paid it all.  Immediately, Jesus says, "in this same way", the Father will deal with those who don't forgive their fellow believers.


As believers, we have been forgiven a huge debt of sin.  We must never have unforgiveness toward another believer.  God has been speaking clearly to me during this fast season that unforgiveness and lack of unity is killing the body of Christ today.  I believe, if we all walk in forgiveness and love with each other, we will see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our generation.  As for me, I want to walk in a deeper level of love and forgiveness.


Lord, help me to walk in forgiveness, love, and unity with God and other believers.  Teach me to live like Christ did.  Help me to be quick to forgive and to be a promoter of unity in the body.  Unify my life, my home, my church, my community, etc.  Show me how to love like You love.

Your Son,

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Healing Starts with Compassion


“So when Jesus landed he had a huge crowd waiting for him. Seeing so many people, his heart was deeply moved with compassion toward them, so he healed all the sick who were in the crowd.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14:14‬ ‭TPT‬‬


In this verse we see that Jesus was ministering to a huge crowd of people.  He saw so many that His heart was “deeply moved with compassion.”  The next words are, “so he healed all the sick who were in the crowd.”  It was His heart of compassion toward the people that caused Him to want to heal their sick.  Healing flows through love and compassion.


I want to be overcome with the love of God.  I want to walk in the same compassion that Jesus did for people.  I am convinced that love and compassion are the heart of God.  God is love and those who love Him must also love others.  I want to be more compassionate and less judgmental when I see people with problems.


Lord, I want to be one with You.  I want to love like You love.  I want to see people how You see them.  Thank You for leading us into this season of fasting and prayer.  More than ever, I want to walk in unity with You and others.  Teach me compassion and love, because You are love.  Let Your love flow through my life.


Monday, January 21, 2019

Share the Cross


“And whoever comes to me must follow in my steps and be willing to share my cross and experience it as his own, or he cannot be considered to be my disciple.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:38‬ ‭TPT‬‬


I love reading different translations of the Bible because you see a little different perspective on things.  In this Passion version Jesus says his disciples must “follow in my steps and be willing to share my cross and experience it as his own”.  Real disciples must be willing to experience the cross as well as the resurrection.


I don’t like hardships and trials.  I don’t like being rejected, chastised, and hurting on the inside and outside.  Jesus says it is part of the life of a real disciple.  A real disciple must face difficulties and tough times.  These times purify us and strengthen our faith.  Rather than run from the cross in my life, I need to share it, experience it, and grow through it.


Father, teach me to share the cross of Christ and experience it as my own.  Let me know You more intimately in my life and help me to see from Your perspective on all things.  I want to be Your disciple and look more and more like Jesus.  I want to know You in the power of Your resurrection and in the fellowship of your suffering.

Your Son,

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Love Reveals Identity


“However, I say to you, love your enemy, bless the one who curses you, do something wonderful for the one who hates you, and respond to the very ones who persecute you by praying for them. For that will reveal your identity as children of your heavenly Father. He is kind to all by bringing the sunrise to warm and rainfall to refresh whether a person does what is good or evil.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:44-45‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Jesus says here that we are to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, and to do wonderful things for those who persecute us.  He goes on to say that this reveals our identity as God’s children.  When we love those who hate us, we reveal that we are God’s kids.


It is easy to love those who love us, but hard to love those who hate us and are persecuting us.  The only way to do this is through Jesus.  He loved those who were torturing Him.  When His love really permeates our lives, we will love like He loved.  I want God’s love to fill my life and to flow out of me.  I want to walk with Jesus and do as He would do.


Lord God Almighty, You are amazing and Your love is indescribable.  Let my identity be seen in your love flowing through my life.  Help me to love as You love and to treat others as You would.  Teach me to walk in step with You at all times.  I want to say what You are saying and do what You are doing.

Your Son,

Friday, January 18, 2019

Direction From God Through Angels


“After they had gone, Joseph had another dream. An angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Get up now and flee to Egypt. Take Mary and the little child and stay there until I tell you to leave, for Herod intends to search for the child to kill him.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Three times in the first two chapters of Matthew Joseph is directed by angels about what to do for Mary and Jesus.  He doesn’t appear to question whether he just had a bad dream or if he was going crazy.  He simply does what the angel says, and through it leads his family to safety, security, and into their God-given destiny.


I realize these angelic interactions were pretty dramatic and involved keeping the Son of God safe, but I am intrested in the interactions.  It lets me know that God is able to get His will across to us when He wants to.  He still uses dreams, visions, and angels to work today and I personally want more of these interactions.  I want to do what God wants, but sometimes question whether I’m hearing from God correctly.  I desire the clearest communication from the Lord, then it is easier to follow.


Father, speak to me.  Speak to me through dreams, visions, the word, and angels.  Speak to me through whatever means possible, but I hunger for clear direction from You.  I don’t want to miss what You are saying to me in any way.  I want to serve You well.

Your Son,

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Burial Fit For a King


“So Joseph went up to bury his father. He was accompanied by all of Pharaoh’s officials, all the senior members of Pharaoh’s household, and all the senior officers of Egypt.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭50:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Jacob died in Egypt.  He was a simple shepherd, but when he was buried, all of Pharaoh’s officials and senior members of his household and senior officers attended.  You know you made a difference when the senior cabinet of the most powerful nation in the world show up at your funeral.


God can take the most simple people and raise them up into places where they didn’t think they would ever be.  They say you can tell how much influence you had by who shows up at your funeral. The most powerful people on the planet showed up at Jacob’s funeral.  I want God to work in my life to make a diffference for those around me.  I believe God can place the simple into positions of power.  I am believing God to use my life to bless the nations.


Father, during this 21 day fast, help me to pursue You more and more with a pure heart.  I offer myself to You and trust that You will guide me into Your destiny for my life.  Help me to fulfill Your will and to make an impact in my generation.  Let my life count.

Your Son,

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hold Onto The Vision


“He said to me, ‘I will make you fruitful, and I will multiply your descendants. I will make you a multitude of nations. And I will give this land of Canaan to your descendants after you as an everlasting possession.’”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭48:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Jacob was at the very end of his long life.  God had encountered him early in his life and told him he would be fruitful and that God would multiply his descendents as well as give him the land of Canaan to possess.  At the very end of his life, in another country where his family had settled, he was still speaking the vision God gave him.  He stood on the promise of God till the very end of his life.


It is easy to get frustrated when things are not going like I think they should.  It is easy to look around and think that God’s words are not coming true in my life.  I need to walk like Jacob who was still declaring the vision God had given him decades before and at the end of his life.  I need to learnt o hold onto the visions God has put in my heart and never let go for any reason.  I also need to learn to declare the vision more often.


Father, I want to walk by faith and trust You with Your promises.  Help me to hold onto the visions You have given me, even when things are not going well around me and I don’t really see it coming to pass.  Help me to declare the visions till the end of my days and not give up.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

When God Takes Care of You


“Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Tell your brothers, ‘Take wagons from the land of Egypt to carry your little children and your wives, and bring your father here. Don’t worry about your personal belongings, for the best of all the land of Egypt is yours.’””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭45:19-20‬ ‭NLT‬‬


When Pharaoh and Joseph sent his brothers back home to get his father, Pharaoh tells them, “Don’t worry about your personal belongings, for the best of all the land of Egypt is yours.”  They were getting an upgrade and didn’t need to worry about their old stuff because the stuff in Egypt was going to be much better than anything they had in their old life.


When God takes care of You...He takes care of you!  God said He would supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  When God takes care of you, it is an upgrade from you taking care of yourself.  I must be confident in my walk with the Lord and know I am doing His will, then I can watch and see Him take incredible care of me.  He knows how to care for His people!


Lord God Almighty, You have always been an amazing provider for Your people.  You have taken care of Your people throughout history and You continue today.  Thank You for taking care of me and my family through the years.  Your faithfulness to me is incredible,


Monday, January 14, 2019

Recognizably Filled


“So Pharaoh asked his officials, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭41:38-39‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Pharaoh and his advisors saw Joseph as filled with the Spirit of God, even though they were unbelievers.  They recognized that the Spirit of God was on and in his life because nobody was as intelligent or wise as he was.  His ability to interpret spiritual dreams, wisdom, and intellect demonstrated that he was filled with the Spirit of God to the leaders of Egypt.


In the Old Testament, the Spirit would come upon certain individuals at certain times to accomplish a feat for the Lord.  In the New Testament, we have been filled with the Holy Spirit and He resides in us.  We should have more evidence in our lives for the world to see than those who are in the world.  We should be more intelligent, wise and understanding and the world should look to us for answers.  We should be recognizably filled with the Spirit of God.


Father, baptize me in Your Spirit afresh.  Let the world see something different in my life.  Let my life shine for You.  Let Your Spirit be recognizable in and through my life.   Fill me to overflow.  Let me interpret dreams, give wisdom and walk in understanding until ungodly leaders come looking for answers.

Yours Forever,

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Blessed By Association


“From the day Joseph was put in charge of his master’s household and property, the Lord began to bless Potiphar’s household for Joseph’s sake. All his household affairs ran smoothly, and his crops and livestock flourished.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭39:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬


This verse tells us that, not only did Joseph prosper, but Potiphar was blessed for Joseph’s sake.  Everything flourished in Potiphar’s house because Joseph was in charge of it.  The favor of God will cause those around us to be blessed.  Potiphar was blessed, not based on anything he had done, but because of Joseph.


As a child of God, the people around me will be blessed by association.  If God wants to take care of me, He has to bless those who are around me.  Just as Potiphar knew that he was blessed because of Joseph, I want those who work around me to visibly see the blessing of God and turn realize it is Him working in my life.  I want to make those who observe my life jealous until they want Christ in their lives.


Father, let Your blessing fall on my life.  Let me walk in Your favor and grace until everyone I associate with sees it and wants in on it.  Help me to be a light that shines in darkness.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

He Has Been With Me


“We are now going to Bethel, where I will build an altar to the God who answered my prayers when I was in distress. He has been with me wherever I have gone.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭35:3‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Jacob is returning to Bethel, here he had encountered God in a powerful way.  The Lord told him to go back there and build an altar.  As Jacob is conveying his plan, he simply says some very powerful words, “He has been with me wherever I have gone.”  Jacob understood that God had never left him, but blessed him no matter where he ended up.


I can look over my life and know that since I was a child, “God has been with me.”  He has taken care of me, provided for me, sustained me, comforted me, helped me, healed me, given me favor in every area, and walked beside me as my comforter.  Wherever I have gone, His presence has been with me.  I understand theologically that God is everywhere, but I also know that He has been intimately involved in the details of my life.  He has never left me nor forsaken me.  My God has been with me.


Father, thank You for loving me, caring for me, counseling me, resourcing me, blessing me, healing me, and guiding my steps.  You have been with me wherever I have gone.  You have gone with me into many nations and all kinds of situations.  You are amazing and I love You more every day.

Your Son,

Friday, January 11, 2019

When God Defends You


“I could destroy you, but the God of your father appeared to me last night and warned me, ‘Leave Jacob alone!’”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭31:29‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Jacob had worked for Laban for twenty years.  He had watched his flocks, served him, and married his daughters.  God blessed Jacob, even though Laban changed his wages ten times in the twenty years.  When Jacob was leaving, Laban wanted to destroy him but said, “the God of your father appeared to me last night and warned me, “Leave Jacob alone!”.  God spoke to a man who didn’t even know Him to defend his own.


God can wake our enemies up or give them a dream in the night.  He can cause even our enemies to bless us and to release us.  God scared Laban to the point he let Jacob go.  He can do the same in our day.  He can convict those who stand against us until they change their minds.  We must put our full trust in the Lord’s hands.  He can surely defend us better than we can defend ourselves.


Lord, I am Yours.  Teach me to walk with You and to trust You deeper and deeper this year.  I know You can make things happen  and turn situations around.  You are able to wake people up in the night and tell them to bless me and Your church.  Wake some people up around me Lord.


Thursday, January 10, 2019

My Gateway


“But he was also afraid and said, “What an awesome place this is! It is none other than the house of God, the very gateway to heaven!””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭28:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬


When Jacob left his father’s house for fear of his brother, he laid down to sleep one night and he dreamed of a ladder that went to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it.  He said, “what an awesome place!  It is none other than the house of God, the very gate to heaven!”  


Jacob was brown away because he believed he had found a gateway to heaven.  For us as believers, prayer is our gateway to the Father.  We have been given access at any time of any day because of Jesus Christ.  What Jacob was amazed by, we have continually.  Our gate is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  We just need to go through it in prayer.


Lord, help me to increase my prayer life.  I want more time with You.  I want to go through the gate and into Your presence.  I want to come into Your presence more and more.  During this season of prayer nad fasting, enable me to encounter You at a greater level.  Open the gate and speak with me as friend with friend.


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

When God Decides to Bless You


“When Isaac planted his crops that year, he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him. He became a very rich man, and his wealth continued to grow.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭26:12-13‬ ‭NLT‬‬


In the above passage, Isaac was blessed by God and it became very apparent that it was a work of God.  He harvested 100 times more than he planted and became a very rich man.  As a matter of fact, everyone around him realized this was not normal and attributed it to God.  There was no doubt that God had blessed Isaac.  Eventually he was asked to leave the place he was because he had become too powerful for those around him.  When God decides to bless you, He is more than able!


The greatest thing we can have in our lives is the blessing of God.  When God blesses you, everything changes.  When God decides to bless His children, those around them will know about it and realize this is God and God alone.  He will get the glory and not we ourselves.  The blessing above came because of the obedience of Abraham.  Obedience brings blessing.


Father, let Your blessing overtake my life.  Help me to walk in obedience as Abraham and Isaac did.  Teach me to hear Your voice clearly and to walk in Your ways.  Help me to position myself to see Your blessing.  You are amazing and I love You with all my heart.

Your Son,

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Obedience and Blessing


““This is what the Lord says: Because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your son, your only son, I swear by my own name that I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will conquer the cities of their enemies.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭22:16-17‬ ‭NLT‬‬


After Abraham proved he was willing to offer his own son Isaac as a sacrifice to God, God spoke to him and said the would bless him and multiply  his descendants beyond number.  He even promised that his descedents would conquer their enemies.  All of this was promised because of obedience to sacrifice for God.


As modern day believers, we love the grace of God and resist sacrifice for Him.  True love will sacrifice for the one that is loved.  That is not a legalistic sacrifice, but true love will lay all down for the one that is loved.  As Abraham was willing to offer his own son, we must be willing to offer our all to the Lord, then we will receive the blessings He has promised us.  God wants to the the center of our lives, then His blessing will overtake out lives.  When we obey the word of the Lord, blessing will follow.


Lord, help me to follow Your voice with all of my heart.  Teach me Your ways.  Show me Your truths.  I am Yours.  Empower me to obey You, even when that will cost me dearly.  I want to walk in Your blessings, but I am also willing to sacrifice for You.  I offer myself to You this morning on the altar of sacrifice.

Your Son,

Monday, January 7, 2019

When God Works on Your Behalf


“Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants, so they could have children. For the Lord had caused all the women to be infertile because of what happened with Abraham’s wife, Sarah.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭20:17-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬


In this passage Abraham prays to God for Abimilech’s wife and servants to the blessed so they could have children.  It goes on to say that the Lord had caused them all to be barren because of what happened to Abraham’s wife Sarah.  Barrenness came into the family because they did wrong to the people of God.  Even though they didn’t know what they were doing, God judged them for touching on of His own.  God works on behalf of those who are committed to Him.


We need to be confident in God, knowing that He has our backs.  When someone touches one of His, He takes is seriously.  We can trust a God like this who fights our battles and causes our enemies Infertility.  We must know that when our enemies come against us, they will deal with God.  He is our defender and not we ourselves.


Lord, help me to trust You as my defender.  Help me to trust that You will fight my battles and deal with my enemies so I don’t have to.  You are amazing and I want to walk in Oneness with You.  During this 21 day fast, help me to draw near to You like never before.

Your Son,

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Divine Reversals


“Then the Lord said to Abram, “You can be sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, where they will be oppressed as slaves for 400 years. But I will punish the nation that enslaves them, and in the end they will come away with great wealth.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭15:13-14‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God tells Abraham that his descendants will end up being oppressed as slaves for 400 years.  At the end of the 400 years, God promises that He will punish the nation that enslaves them and will cause Abraham’s descendants to come away with great wealth.  God allowed the descendants to go through a very difficult time, but promised a divine reversal at the end.


Sometimes God lets us go through things as His children.  We can try to explain it many different ways like it matures us, etc. but the end result is always that God punishes our oppressors and blesses His children.  Sometimes I may go through some things that seem too long, but in the end, if I remain true to the Lord, He will bring about a divine reversal.


Lord, You are the God of reversals.  You turn things around for your children.  Help me to trust You more and more each day, knowing that you will turn my current situations around and bring about great blessing in my life as I continue to follow You.  Thank You for your faithfulness.


Friday, January 4, 2019

United and Powerful


““Look!” he said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭11:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬


In this passage, the Lord sees what the people are accomplishing in working and walking together and realizes that nothing will be impossible for them.  The Lord even says that nothing they set out to do will be impossible.  Here is God talking about the power of unity and togetherness.  In the following verse, God confused the languages and split up the people because they were becoming too powerful.


Unity is a power tool that we don’t make enough use of.  When there is unity, nothing is impossible according to God Himself.  I believe unity is a key factor in seeing the will of God done on the earth. When His people are disunified, they are weak, but together they are strong.  We must work on putting aside differences and coming together to impact the world for Christ.


Lord, help me to be an instrument of unity in Your Kingdom.  Help me to bring people together for Your purposes and never to divide.  Enable me to advance the message of unity and the strength of it this year.  Bless my book on unity and let it get into the right hands this year.


Thursday, January 3, 2019

God’s Image


“If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in his own image.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Noah, after the flood, received this word from the Lord.  He basically says that anyone who kills a human needs to be killed himself because God made human beings in His own image.  Murder is seen here as terrible mostly because that person who was murdered was made in the image of God.  There is serious punishment here related to killing someone made in God’s image.  We should honor people because they are created in God’s image.


When we take this out a little farther, we should also honor people the way we would honor God because they are created in His image.  When we think of people, we shouldn’t ever look down on them because they were created in God’s image.  The value of human life has more to do with God’s image than anything else.  I need to learn to value others simply because they are created in God’s image.


Father, thank You for sharing this with me today.  Help me to value and honor people and their lives because You created them in Your image.  Help me not to offend or hurt an image-bearer.  Help me to see people as I see You and help me to honor them appropriately.

Your Son,

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

But Noah


“And the Lord said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.” But Noah found favor with the Lord.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6:7-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God was upset that He had made the human race because they were all continually evil.  He decided to destroy every living thing inculding humans and animals.  Nothing would be left.  In the midst of talking about destroying the earth, it says, “But Noah found favor with the Lord”.  When everyone else was being judged, God didn’t overlook the innocent.  He didn’t punish the righteous with the wicked.


God will always spare the righteous when He is punishing the wicked.  The righteous find favor with God and He will make a way of escape for them.  Our job is to walk in righteousness and in fellowship with Him, His job is to show His favor to us.  I want to walk closer to the Lord in 2019 than I ever have.


Lord, I want to walk in Your favor and blessings more and more this year.  I am Yours.  You are the center of my life and I trust You to take care of me in every way.  Teach me to hear Your voice more clearly and to walk in total and complete obedience.

Your Son,

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Did God Really Say?


“The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬


This verse is found isn’t he original temptation of man and it is the question Satan always asks.  He wants us to question whether we have really heard from God or not.  His desire is to make us question God and our relationship with Him.  If he can do that, he knows our faith will be affected.  Satan doesn’t usually tempt us with sin, he tempts us with questions.


When Jesus was tempted by Satan, He responded with the Word of God.  He always responded, not by questioning God, but by declaring what God has already spoken.  In our lives, we must learn not to question God or His word, but to stand firmly on it in every circumstance.  We are called to trust, not to question God all the time.


Father, bring me to the place this year that I don’t question what You want to do in my life, my church, my community or the world.  Help me to walk by faith and be stronger in Your word.  You are worthy of my very best!  Help me never to question You, but to trust You and believe Your word in the good times and in the bad times.

Yours Forever,