Saturday, January 30, 2016

Signs and Wonders and Hard Hearts


Exodus 8:19  "the magicians said to Pharaoh, 'This is the finger of God.'  But Pharaoh's heart was hard and he would not listen, just as the Lord had said".


Moses and Aaron had performed many signs and wonders that were absolutely incredible in front of Pharaoh.  Even Pharaoh's magicians told him, "This is the finger of God".  They were convinced that Moses and Aaron were from God and that God's power was working in them, but still Pharaoh's heart was hard.


Sometimes we think, "If only so and so would see God's power, they would know God is real".  The truth is, some people could see God work absolute miracles, yet be unchanged in their wanting to obey Him.  Many times, God shows Himself to people, yet they choose not to respond.  They can't deny He is real, but they refuse to humble themselves before Him.  Like Moses and Aaron, they continued to pray, and eventually the hard heart broke.  We must remain in prayer until the hard heart breaks.


Father, help me to never give up praying for people.  Help me to understand how people can see the power of God, yet refuse to give their lives to Him.  I want to see more and more people saved this year than ever before.  Show Your wonders and break hard hearts.  Give me faith to believe, even when it seems like they are not being moved.

Your Son,

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