Saturday, January 23, 2016

Unforgiveness Has Big Consequences


Matthew 18:35  "This is how my heavenly father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart".


Jesus had just told a parable.  The end of the parable says that a man received big forgiveness from someone, then couldn't extend forgiveness to a person who owed him just a little bit.  he was given to the jailers to be tortured until he payed his full debt.  Jesus then says we will be treated the same if we can't forgive from our heart.


Forgiveness is huge with Jesus.  He has forgiven us of a huge sin debt and wants us to forgive others.  He takes this very seriously and we need to examine our lives to see if there is any forgiveness we need to give.  Many are living lives of torture because they haven't forgiven someone that hurt them.  It is not worth it.  Christ forgave us totally and completely.  We must forgive others as well.


Father, help me to walk in a spirit of forgiveness.  Help me to offer the same forgiveness to others that You have given to me.  Let me never get bitter or angry, but walk in love at all times.  Help me to be more like You.

Your Son,

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