Friday, January 15, 2016

Seeing God in the Difficulties


Genesis 45:5  "And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God send me ahead of you".


Joseph had just revealed himself to his brothers who had, years before, sold him into slavery.  He had now become the most powerful person in the greatest nation on earth.  He was now in a position to seriously bless his family.  After all he had walked through because of his brothers, Joseph says that it was the Lord who sent him ahead of the others in order to bless them.


Joseph had realized through the years that God was with him and was doing something with his life, but he probably didn't realize what.  Hindsight said God was setting up an entire situation to bless his family.  Sometimes in life we go through tough times.  When we do, we must remember that God knows the beginning from the end and that He is working, even when it doesn't seem like it, to bring about our blessing.  God is at work, even though life seems barren at times.


Thank You Lord for showing me this today.  You are amazing!  Help me to trust You when I don't understand and it doesn't seem like things are going the way I would like.  Help me to trust that You have an overall plan and that You will bring it to pass.  I submit myself to You.  Lead me every day.


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