Friday, January 22, 2016

The Words We Speak


Matthew 15:11  "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them".


Jesus was talking about the religious leaders who were out to get Him in this context, but the words He speaks are so powerful for all of us.  They were concerned about what they put into the mouths being unclean and Jesus said it's not what goes in that defiles, but what comes out because out of the heart, the mouth speaks.


We must always watch what comes out of our mouths.  Our mouths reflect our heart!  If we want to see what going on inside, listen to what comes out of our mouths.  When we are critical, judgmental, envious, jealous, etc., it will come out of our mouths.  We must begin to listen to ourselves and adjust our hearts so that what comes out is pure, lovely and of good report.


Father, give me ears to hear my own words.  Help me to hear myself as I speak and come to You when I hear something coming out that shouldn't.  Let my words bring life, love and liberty to all.  Let my heart be right before You.  Examine me.  Purify my heart.  Let my heart reflect Yours.

Your Son,

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