Saturday, January 28, 2023

Time to Act


“God heard their groaning, and he remembered his covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act.”  Exodus‬ ‭2‬:‭24-25. NLT‬‬


The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, were in Egypt and were being brutally treated by their taskmasters. Their incredible, miraculous, intervention and provision of God, became a problem in future generations. Their blessing was obvious, bought it made the Egyptians fearful of them, so they punished them. God heard their groaning and remembered His promise. This verse closes by saying God, “knew it was time to act.”


Sometimes we go through some very difficult things. God sees everything and knows what his people go through. Sometimes it may feel like we have been suffering too long. From our perspective, any suffering is too much. For God, there is a point when it is time to act. When His people have suffered for a season, He will determine that it is time to act. His time and our time are not usually the same, but if we remain faithful to Him, He will see what is going on, and He will act.


Lord, hear my cries, and determine to act on my behalf. I ask You to help me when I feel weak and show me the way to go. When You move, it is marvelous to see. Move in my home. Move in my church. Move in my family. Move in my city. Send revival to my nation. We are crying out. Hear our cries and decide it is time to act. 

Yours Forever,


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