Wednesday, October 12, 2022

God’s Crushed Heart


“My people are crushed, and so is my heart. I am horrified and mourn. If medicine and doctors may be found in Gilead, why aren't my people healed?”  ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭8:21-22‬ ‭CEV‬‬


God is speaking here through the prophet Jeremiah. He had just spent several chapters speaking of how unfaithful they have been and how judgment is coming strong on them because of their sins. In this passage, you hear the heart of God. “My people are crushed, and so it my heart.” Then He asks a rhetorical question, “If medicine and doctors may be found in Gilead, why aren’t my people healed?” He wants them healed and doing well, but they need to turn away from all other gods and serve Him wholeheartedly.


God wants us to be doing well at all times. He doesn’t get thrilled over the suffering of His people. He mourns and is horrified when He sees us going astray and doing our own thing. He wants to bless us, but can’t because of our disobedience. He wants to bring healing, but we must turn completely to Him. When we see this and understand this, we need to act on it and turn ourselves completely to God.


Father, You are good and Your mercy endures forever. Help me to lean into You more and more each day. Teach me Your ways and help me to walk on Your paths. I love You and want to serve You well in my generation. As we fast and pray for our trip to Bolivia, purge me and cleanse me, and prepare me to be used as an instrument of honor for Your kingdom. Pour out Your Spirit in Santa Cruz.

Your Son,


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