Sunday, October 23, 2022

Fear of God Over Fear of Man


“But Azariah, Johanan and some other arrogant men said to me, “You're lying! The Lord didn't tell you to say that we shouldn't go to Egypt.”  ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭43‬:‭2‬ ‭CEV‬‬


Jeremiah’s ministry was full of this kind of response from the people. He would prophesy and they would tell him they didn’t believe what he was saying. In order to be faithful to communicate what the Lord wanted, Jeremiah had to speak some very difficult things. He was faithful and didn’t change his message, even when the people thought he was lying, and treated him terribly.


Sometimes delivering God’s word is not easy. Sometimes it requires obedience, even when people get mad at you, walk away from you, or speak evil of you. We are not there to obey the people, but to obey God. I can’t fear what people think, but obey what God says at all times. I need to care less about what people think and more about what God thinks.


Father, You called me into ministry, not any man. You ordained me, not any man. Help me not to ear what man can say to me, but to fear You alone. Help me to be influenced more by You than by anything people want to hear. Help me to preach faithfully in this itching ears generation. I want to speak on Your behalf, but I need Your words to be clear to me. Open my ears to hear You.

Your Son,


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