Friday, October 8, 2021

Humble and Contrite


“Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord. “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭66:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬


The Lord, speaking through Isaiah, says that He made everything we see. He goes on to say that He looks on with favor those who are humble and contrite in spirit and who tremble at His word. God loves it when His people humble themselves before Him. He loves it when His people take His word seriously. When we acknowledge Him in humility, we see results.


Pride never impresses God. He is the eternally existent one who is all-powerful. What impresses others, doesn’t impress Him. He is more impressed with humility and contrition that He is with our accomplishments. When we remain humble, He receives the praise and honor. When we walk in pride it is pulled away from Him. We must walk humbly before the Lord and take His word seriously. It is only then that we will walk in His favor.


Father, help me to live as a humble and contrite person. Teach me to live a surrendered life that You can use and that You can walk with. I want intimacy with You. I long for Your presence. I long to be with You more and more. Come Holy Spirit and lead me in every part of my life. Show me what to do next. Show me how to be the husband Cheryl needs and the father my sons need. Teach me your ways and help me to tremble at Your words.



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