Thursday, June 6, 2024

Grab It!


““Grab it,” Elisha said. And the man reached out and grabbed it.” ‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭6‬:‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬


One of Elisha’s sons in the Lord had lost an axe head in the river while he was cutting down trees for some renovations to their teaching place. He told Elisha and God made the axe head float for Elisha, which is a physical impossibility. When the axe head floated he told the man to “grab it.” When miracles happen in our lives, there is always a point where we have to reach out and grab it or take a step of faith.


There are times that God opens doors for me that I never walk through because I don’t reach out and grab the opportunity. There are things I know the Lord has asked of me that are not done because I have not reached out and grabbed them. When God opens a door, we must then take steps of faith to reach out and grab the provision of the Lord.


Father, help me to grab ahold of every opportunity You put in front of me. I don’t want to leave anything undone that You have given me to do. Provide the resources and I will take steps. Help me to walk in complete obedience to You, when it makes sense and when it doesn’t.

Yours forever,



  1. Some of the atrocities committed in 2Kings 8:12 remind me of what is happening today to Israel. Jesus deliver your people into the safety of your arms.
