Saturday, June 1, 2024

Obedience vs. Innovation


“But even after this, Jeroboam did not turn from his evil ways. He continued to choose priests from the common people. He appointed anyone who wanted to become a priest for the pagan shrines. This became a great sin and resulted in the utter destruction of Jeroboam’s dynasty from the face of the earth.” ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭13‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬


Jeroboam did many evil things as a king of Israel, but this one seems to stand out. It says that he chose priests from the common people. God had a way prescribed for who was to be priests and Jeroboam went around God’s prescription and did what seemed right to him. He operated in the flesh and not in obedience to the Lord. He wanted to seem spiritual and have a temple and priesthood, but he wanted to do it his was instead of God’s way, which resulted in utter destruction.


When we try to do God’s things in our way, we will forfeit the blessing of the Lord. God expects us to follow His ways, not to try to figure out our own way of serving Him. He expects obedience more than innovation. In ministry, we must seek the Lord for what He wants us to do rather than just doing what makes sense to us. His way is blessed, our way is not. 


Lord God Almighty, You are great and glorious and I love You with all my heart. Help me not to try to finish in the flesh what You start in the Spirit. Help me to do things Your way instead of trying to do things my own way, even if I think my way makes more sense. Teach me to walk in obedience over innovation.

Your Son,


1 comment:

  1. Jeroboam ushered unholiness right into the Camp. Jesus help us to never compromise Your Truth by bringing the ways of the world into the Church. Help us pick our way wisely.
