Thursday, June 20, 2024

How God Sees Me


“And now, O God, in addition to everything else, you speak of giving your servant a lasting dynasty! You speak as though I were someone very great, O Lord God!” ‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭17‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬


David was told that God was going to bless him and give him an everlasting dynasty through his son. It was such an honor from God that David felt unworthy. His view of himself comes out at the end of the verse. “You speak as though I were someone very great, O Lord God!” David saw himself as worthless, yet God saw him as worthy. God sees us so much differently than we see ourselves.


I generally see myself as full of flaws and mistakes. I tend to see my flaws, but God sees my heart. I see my mess ups but God sees my love for Him. We must learn to always walk in humility, but to also understand how God sees us. He sees us as worthy of sending His very own Son to die on a cross for us. He knows our potential and chooses to look past our self-imposed limitations. We must learn to walk in the balance of humility and understanding that in God was are great and powerful. Apart from Him, Jesus said, we can do nothing.


Father God, You are incredible! You see more in me than I see in myself. When I see my failures, You see me as victorious. Help me to walk in humility, but understanding at the same time that You do favor my life. You have demonstrated Your amazing love for me! You are the source of every good things in my life. Thanks for reminding me this morning that You see more in me than I see in myself. 

Your Son,


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