Monday, June 3, 2024

Humility and Repentance


““Do you see how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has done this, I will not do what I promised during his lifetime. It will happen to his sons; I will destroy his dynasty.”” ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭21‬:‭29‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Ahab was a terrible king in Israel. He listened to his wife and served other gods. He went after God’s prophets and did more wrong than almost all of Israel’s kings. When he realized what he had done, he humbled himself before the Lord. God had promised to kill Ahab because of his evil doings, but when God saw his humility and repentance, He decided not to kill Ahab, but to give him a break and let his sons be punished. 


God always honors humility and repentance. Even when we have made a terrible mess of things, when we repent and walk in humility before God, He will see that and honor us. We deserve punishment, but God gives us grace and mercy. He is forgiving and faithful to us, even when we mess things up terribly. I want to walk humbly before my God all the days of my life and live in the blessings of obedience. 


Father, You have been so good to me all the days of my life. I love You and honor You today. You are worty of my very best in everything I do. Help me to live out my days in humility and repentance when I mess things up. Teach me to live as You would have me live. Thank You for the incredible blessings You have bestowed on me recently. You are amazing! Let me serve You well and bring honor to Your namc around the world. 

Sincerely Yours,


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