Thursday, June 27, 2024

Peace, Rest, and Obedience


“During those peaceful years, he was able to build up the fortified towns throughout Judah. No one tried to make war against him at this time, for the Lord was giving him rest from his enemies.” ‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭14‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God’s blessing for obedience in all things is peace. When God’s people were serving Him wholeheartedly, He gave them peace all around. Peace is one of the greatest signs of obedience to God. Peace comes from God and is a fruit of the Spirit. It is something we can’t make ourselves do. It comes from God. He is our peace. When our relationship is right with Him, peace and prosperity follow.


The verses just ahead of this one tell how Asa had followed the Lord with his whole heart and destroyed the images of other gods throughout Judah. When He did that, God gave him peace on every side from his enemies. The land rested when God was in control and when the people obeyed Him. Rest follows peace. When we are at peace, we will rest well. Both of these things come from God. We can start by putting Him first in every area of our lives, then by obeying whatever He tells us to do, then peace and rest will follow.


Lord God Almighty, You are great and glorious. You are mighty and victorious. You are worthy of all my worship and my highest praise. Let peace and rest continue to fill my life and let me be the person You want me to be. Teach me to walk with You and to follow Your voice. Show me each day how I can serve You best that day.

Your Son Forever,


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