Wednesday, May 25, 2022



“I keep my body under control and make it my slave, so I won't lose out after telling the good news to others.”  ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭9:27‬ ‭CEV‬‬


In this passage, Paul is telling the Corinthians that they must run the race like and athlete, in order to win. He says he keeps his body under control and makes it his slave. He had been telling the people to continue as they were before Christ concerning married, single, slave, etc. If someone needed to get married because of passion, they could do so and it wouldn’t be wrong. Here, he is saying that he kept his body under control, when generally our bodies dictate most of what we do.


As a believer, our spirit should be in control and not our bodies. We should operate spirit, then soul, then body, rather that the opposite. When the spirit is in control, the body will line up and be healthy. I want victory in my physical health. I need to make better decisions about what I eat and I need God’s help to do it. 


Father, I realize I have an eating problem. Help me to elevate my spirit over my flesh and to gain control of my eating. There are so many options and things that taste good, please help me to discern what is best and what will help me instead of what will hurt me in the long run. Empower me to lose weight and to take control of this area of my life. I want to feel better and have more energy to serve You better.

Your Son,


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