Saturday, January 22, 2022

Faith Fights For Answers


““Lord, this is true,” the woman said, “but even puppies get the crumbs that fall from their owner's table.” Jesus answered, “Dear woman, you really do have a lot of faith, and you will be given what you want.” At that moment her daughter was healed.”  ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15:27-28‬ ‭CEV‬‬


This Canaanite woman came to Jesus asking Him to heal her daughter. She begged Him to heal her and Jesus called her a dog because He wasn’t sent to her but the the people of Israel. She told Him that even dogs get food scraps under the table. She was arguing with Jesus for the healing of her daughter. Jesus said of her, “you really do have a lot of faith” and her daughter was healed.


Strong faith is persistent. Strong faith will fight for answers to prayer. Strong faith doesn’t give up when the first answer isn’t what you wanted. Strong faith will continue to stand in the gap when others would have given up. I want to develop strong faith and not give up when God doesn’t move in my timing. I want to develop the kind of faith that Christ recognized in this woman.


Father, increase my faith! Teach me to fight for answers to prayer instead of passively taking no for an answer. Show me how to see more answers to prayer and help me not to faint when standing in the gap for someone. I know in my head that You want to heal more people, but let me fight for it with my heart.



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