Sunday, July 26, 2020

Partiality and Flattery


“Let me not, I pray, show partiality to anyone; Nor let me flatter any man.”
‭‭Job‬ ‭32:21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Elihu is speaking in this text.   He is the youngest on there and waited for wisdom to speak and for his elders to speak.  After hearing everyone share their thoughts about Job and his problems, he finally stood up to speak.  He said here that didn’t want to show partiality or flattery to any man.  He wanted to speak what God wanted and not what anyone else would want to hear.


We should be people who honor God above everyone and everything else.  We should never see one man above another or better in any way than another.  We should not be partial to any person because of who they are or what they do for us.  We must realize that we answer to God above all and we must follow Him first and foremost.  I don’t want to treat anyone differently because of who they are.  I want to learnt to respect all men equally, no matter what their background is because they were created in the image of God and not because they have been good to me in any way.


Father, help me to not to show partiality or flattery to any man.  Help me to not show favoritism to anyone, but to be true to You and what You have said to me.  Guard me from treating people differently because of who they are and to treat all the same because we are all created in God’s image.  Help me to live the life You want me to live.  As I preach a funeral today, help me to represent You well in every way and let me speak, not to flatter or show partiality, but to speak truth.

Your Son,

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