Monday, July 13, 2020

Created for Good Works


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Paul is telling the Ephesians here that we were created in Christ Jesus for good works and that God prepared the good works beforehand so that we could walk in them.  There are good works that our lives were specifically prepared for.  Our job is to find them and do them.  We must also allow the Holy Spirit to develop us into the people He is working on.  We are His project!


We must realize that we are a work in progress and allow God to continually work in our lives to bring about the person He wants us to be.  We also must realize that we are being formed for good works which God prepared ahead of time for us.  There is a purpose for our lives and we have been custom built to do them.  I must see the opportunities for good works around me and do them.  I also must allow myself to stay on the potters wheel and let God continue to prepare me for His will.


Father, let me be faithful to do the good works You have prepared for me to do.  Help me to see them and do them and to make the most of every opportunity.  Let my life continue to be worked on so I might fulfill Your will.  Increase in me I pray.


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