Saturday, May 2, 2009

Scared or Overjoyed?


I Samuel 5:10, 6:13 "So they sent the Ark of God to the town of Ekron, but when the people of Ekron saw it coming they cried out, 'They are bringing the Ark of the God of Israel here to kill us too!' The people of Beth-shemesh were harvesting wheat in the valley, and when they saw the Ark, they were overjoyed".


When the people of Ekron saw the Ark of God coming, they were sacred to death. When the people of Beth-shemesh saw the Ark coming, they were overjoyed. What is the difference? The same presence and power of God in two different places can bring two very different results.


God is incredibly powerful and should be feared, but when you are in right relationship with Him, His presence will make you overjoyed. Though God doesn't exhibit it during our time to the degree he did back in Samuel's day, our God should be feared for His ability to wipe out those who are not right with Him. Everywhere the Ark went while in the presence of the Philistines, bad things happened but when the Ark came back to Israel, joy came. You don't want to be an enemy of God. Satan will one day get what is coming to him and God's wrath will be poured out again. Sometimes we cry out "Lord I want Your presence". Are we in the place to really receive His presence when He comes in power?


Lord, You are amazing! I worship You. It is awesome that the Philistines were so scared of You. They were not scared of the people of Israel, but You. Teach me the fear of the Lord, it is the beginning of wisdom. Teach me to honor You better. You presence is incredible and nothing is too difficult for You. Let the world know again that You are God! Demonstrated Your great power again that this world may turn to You. I love Your presence! let it become more real to me every day.


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