Friday, May 24, 2024

Power AND Words


“For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Much of what we do in the kingdom of God deals with words. We go to conferences to hear speakers. Our Sunday morning and midweek gatherings are centered on teaching and preaching. God’s kingdom is not just a lot of talk. It is living by God’s power. 


We need the power of God in our lives if we want to live overcoming and victorious lives. I long for the power of God to be witnessed in and through my life. I don’t just want to talk about the kingdom. I want to demonstrate the kingdom. I believe we have to do a lot of talking in kingdom business, but I believe it is time to demonstrate the power of Kingdom living to the world around us. 


God, I want to live an unexplainable life. I want to live a supernatural life that is blessed and highly favored of You. I don’t want to just talk about Your Kingdom. I want to demonstrate it. Empower my life to be lived at high voltage for You. I don’t want to live a nominal life, but a spirit-led, Spirit-empowered life.

Yours Forever,


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