Wednesday, May 22, 2024

He Delights in Me


“He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me.” 2 Samuel‬ ‭22‬:‭20‬ NLT‬‬


David writes this Psalm about the Lord. In this portion of the Psalm he says that God led him to a place of safety and rescued his because “He delights in me.” David believed that God was delighted with him, which was true, but most of us struggle to really believe that.


I want to walk with the Lord as David, and others in the Bible did. I want to know my God and do everything He says. I want to know deep in my heart that God is delighted in me. I know that in my mind, but sometimes I feel like maybe God isn’t fully delighted with me. I want my mind renewed to KNOW that God is completely delighted with me.


Father, I want to be a delight to You at all times. I don’t want to disappoint or cause You pain. I know You are delighted with me simply because I’m Your child, but I want to know that deeply in my Spirit. I want to be more confident of Your love for me. I know You love me. Help me to fully believe You are delighted in me.



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