Saturday, May 11, 2024

God’s Favor


”Every time the commanders of the Philistines attacked, David was more successful against them than all the rest of Saul’s officers. So David’s name became very famous.“ ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭18‬:‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬


I love this description of the favor of God on David’s life. It says “every time” there was an attack, David and was “more successful” than Saul’s other officers. As David walked with God and served Him, he saw God’s favor and blessing. He always did better than those around him. He always excelled above and beyond those around him. 


I often say that favor isn’t fair. God favor can make everything you do to prosper. God’s favor can make your enemies jealous. God’s favor can promote you to the top of the list at work. God’s favor can cause you to be successful in every area of life. Our place is never self-promotion. We serve God and allow Him to show His favor and promote us when we are ready for the promotion. I want to walk in the favor of God and not in working harder with no results.


father, I give You my life once again. Take it and use it for Your glory. Teach me to walk with You. Let Your favor rest on my life. Show me how to live a life You can bless exceedingly. Let my life bring You honor and praise. Show me how to respond in each and every situation. 

Show Me Your Favor,


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